I like it! Looks preety neat. I like this mod a lot. It works with quite a few mods. At least I never got any errors from running them together.
Zooming out to see the world. In game mini-map for multiplayer and singleplayer. Rotating circular mini map mode can be enabled in the options menu
Exploration progress is saved as you wander the world. Full screen map GUI allows you to zoom out and view everywhere that you have explored.
Set waypoints by right clicking, pan map by click dragging, and zoom with the mouse wheel in full screen mode.
Entire map can be written to PNG images.
Explored chunks are also saved in Anvil format from multiplayer servers, so you can view the world using tools such as Eihort. Short range underground mode shows air, water and lava around the player.
Explored chunks are also saved in Anvil format from multiplayer servers, so you can view the world using tools such as Eihort. Short range underground mode shows air, water and lava around the player.
The 'MapWriter-<version>.zip' goes into the mods folder at:
Forge is required. Download Forge.
Installation instructions for Forge can be found on the Forge wiki.
The 'MapWriter-<version>.zip' goes into the mods folder at:
Forge is required. Download Forge.
Installation instructions for Forge can be found on the Forge wiki.
Download mods MapWriter Mini Map 1.6.2