Minecraft mod download Virhonestum 1.6.2

Welcome to Minecraft community! We would like to introduce to you a new author virhonestum mods. Well that's Mods Virhonestum this author known mods things in the name many things in one, as the name implies, these mods will give you lots of useful stuff. Invite you to download minecraft mods and reference information below. Have fun!

Virhonestum Mod1

Virhonestum Mod2
Requires modloader - Get modloader here
A working minecraft.jar is linked at the bottom!
Thông tin về Mods Này:
V 1.0
+ New Gem
+ New ore for gem (very rare, craftable with diamond, gold and iron, from bedrock to level 20)
+ New tool- and Armorset (4000 uses)
+ New Biome Paradise (no mobs spawning in there)
+ New Mug
+ New mug of milk (heals 1,5 hearts)
+ New mug of water (heals 0.5 hearts)
+ New mug of chocolate milk (heals 3 hearts)
+ New mug of Hot chocolate (heals 4 hearts)
+ Flint + Coal = Gunpowder
+ Water + Cobble = Mossy Cobble
+ Dirt + seeds = grassblock
+ Dirt + Nether wart = mycelium
+ New Tree paradise Tree
+ The Paradise logs/planks/stairs emits light
+ Paradise log emits more light when powered
+ New Magic glass (gets non-transparent and act like bedrock when activated)
V 1.1
+ New Magic Transparent glass like the other one but stayt transparent
+ New Food Chocolate (heals 3 hearts, crafted with 1 bucket of milk, 1 cocoa bean and 2 sugar)
+ Little "secret" (post in the comments if i should keep it otherwise it will disappear in the next update)
+ Achivements
● Cup of milk craftable with 2 mugs and 1 bucket of milk
V. 1.2
- Pointless Button
+ Paradie Half Slab
+ Angel (5,000 Hearts, spawns in paradise)
+ Magic Clock
V. 1.3
- Paradise Biome
- Angel
- Paradise Tree
+ Magic Star
+ New Achievements
● New crafting recipe for Paradise Planks
● Cows can now be right-clicked with a cup
● Made the Vir Gem Ore more rarely
Why some stuff got removed? I lost all my files and i had to recreate the whole mod. And that takes it's time + the coding hast changed slightly. But no worries, it will be added again in future updates.
V. 1.4
+ Paradise Biome
+ Angel
+ Paradise Tree
+ Magic Glass Activator
+ Achievement "Sweet Tooth" Craft a bar of Chocolate (Can't be achived right now)
● Renamed Achivement "A touch of magic" to "Twinkle Little Star"
● Magic Glass has to be Activated with the Magic Glass Activator
(Due a bug the activated glass won't change it's texture, so you have to try whether it's activated or not)
● Vir Gem no longer craftable
V. 1.5
+ Paradise Creeper (Work in progress)
● Achievement "Sweet Tooth" achieveable
● Paradise Sapling texture bug fixed
● Magic Glass texture bug fixed
● Paradise Planks craftable from Paradise Wood (again)
V. 1.6
● Finally updated to 1.6.2
- Paradise Creeper because there were too many bugs
A few recipes (armor, wood things just the same as the normal ones)
Smelting Vir Gem Ore = Vir Gem
Shovel, Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe and all the vir gem armor as usual
Coal + Flint = Gunpowder (2)
Cobblestone + Waterbucket = Mossy Cobblestone (Bucket not used)
Dirt + Seeds = Grassblock
Dirt + Netherwarts = Mycelium
X | X | X
X | X | XX = Iron Ingot== Cup
X | X | X
Cup + Milkbucket = Cup of Milk or right click on a cow with an empty cup
Cup of Milk + Cocoa Beans = Cup of Chocolate Milk
Smelting Cup of Chocolate Milk = Cup of Hot Chocolate
Paradise Wood = Paradise Planks (4)
Oak Planks + Magic Dust = Paradise Planks (4)
All wooden things also craftable with Paradise Wood
Paradise Planks = Magic Dust (2)
Glass + Magic Dust = Magic Glass
Magic Glass + Glass = Transparent Magic Glass
Milkbucket + Cocoa Beans + Sugar (2) = Chocolate
X | A | X
X | B | XX = Diamond, A = Magic Dust, B = Nether Star == Magic Star
X | X | X
X | A | X
X | B | XX = Magic Dust, A = Diamond, B = Clock, C = Magic Star == Magic Clock
X | C | X
X | A | X
X | B | XX = Iron Ingot, A = Transparent Magic Glass, B = Redstone Dust == Magic Glass Activator
X | X | X
With the paradise wood you can do everything, that wood can do.
Installation: Drag & Drop the ModLoader and the mods files into your minecraft.jar and delete META-INF folder
Copy and paste the content of the .zip file into your Appdata.minecraftversions folder.
Then start the launcher, edit your profile or create a new one, and and select on the "Use version:" the "release virhonestummod"
Download mod Virhonestum 1.6.2

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