Download Minecraft Mod SAOCraft - This page is released SAOCraft, right after a new version is available mod Personally I would load it up curseforge immediately. SAOCraft This mod will add a lot of features in the future because it is still in alpha mode, do not worry I'm working on it as quickly as possible.
Currently this is the 1.5.2 version of the mod, do keep in mind that it's still in alpha! still have a lot to add and fix. The author has shared Nexusrightsi for us, to cheer this man okay for you. Thanks Nexusrightsi!
Change log
28 - 8 - 2013: I'm trying to figure out what the heap space error causes, so here is a newer version. USE FORGE UNIVERSAL 1.5.2- as this is the version of force I've been developing the mod on.
27 - 8 - 2013: - added a lot of items - added some blocks to play with - added a mob to test out
Download Mod SAOCraft 1.5.2