“Fantasy of Minecraft” is a fully modification of Minecraft, which turns it into a RPG-like game.
A List of the finished and planned Features [
: finished ||
: work in progress ||
: planning]
- Online features
- automatic language update
- check if an update is available and display it in main menu
- display news in main menu
- automatic language update
- Interface Edits
- Healthbar
- Manabar
- Staminabar
- Armoricons
- Airbar
- Main Menu
- InGame Menu
- Change Texturepacks
- Exit Minecraft
- Change Texturepacks
- Info Texts
- Damage Messages
- Critical hit messages
- Level up Messages
- Skill up messages
- Monster Level
- Monster names over the Head of the Monsters
- Monster Health Review
- Damage Messages
- Races
- Humans
- Elvens
- Orcs
- Dwarfs
- Gnomes
- Halflings/Hobbits
- Devilbreed
- Angelbreed
- Half-elfs
- Specials
- Race modells
- Race skins
- Racechoosing gui
- Race specials
- Classes
- Warrior
- Rogue
- Knights
- Mage
- Druid
- Archer
- Warrior
- Second Hand
- Shields
- Two-Hand-Weapons
- Two one-hand-weapons
- Attackspeed
- Shields
- Skills
- Active skills
- Battleskills
- Assist skills
- Magic skills
- Battle move skills
- Active skills
- Passive Skills
- More damage
- More health
- More armor
- More mining speed
- more walking speed
- More damage
- Character Stats
- Strength
- Agility
- Intelligence
- Constitution
- Wisdom
- Charisma
- Strength
- New inventory
- Smaller
- More quickslots
- More armor slots
- Item Informations
- Smaller
- Backpack
- Bagsettet bigness
- No death-drop
- Bagsettet bigness
- Mounts
- Horses
- Dragons
- Lions
- Much more
- Tameable
- Trainable
- Have inventory
- Horses
- Companions
- Can attack
- Give you more Health/mana
- Give you some special skills
- Trainable
- Magic
- Mana
- Attack spells
- Regenaration spells
- Crafting Spells
- Mana
- Battleskills
- Battle Move Animations
- Battle Move Animations
- New Crafting
- Tailoring
- Tannering
- Forgeing
- Smelt together
- Tailoring
- Copper Ingots are made by smelting Copper Ore in the Furnace
- Tin Ingots are made by smelting Tin Ore in the Furnace
- Copper Tools (Shovel, Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Sword) are made the normal way, just with copper ingots
- Tin Tools (Shovel, Axe, Hoe, Pickaxe, Sword) are made the normal way, just with tin ingots
- The Tanner Stone is made like this: (Use a fur Item instead of the flint!)
Knifes are made like this:
Leather is made by putting fur in the tanner and use a knife as “fuel” (check screenshot, if you don’t understand)
- Download Modloader
- After Downloading the minecraft files, close Minecraft
- Go to %appdata%/.minecraft/bin
- Open Minecraft.jar with WinRar or 7Zip
- Delete the META-INF folder
- Put all ModLoader Files in the minecraft.jar (It’s important, that you install modloader BEFORE Fantasy of Minecraft!)
- ownload the Fantasy of Minecraft Mod
- Put all the things in the Fantasy of Minecraft Files Folder in the minecraft.jar
- Start Minecraft
- Enjoy!