BladeCraft - 1.5/2


BladeCraft is a mod where your dreams come true in the realm of swords!
Blades Gem-encrusted with colored handles that can reach higher levels of magic
and customize weapons of any player.

The general idea of ​​BladeCraft:

Swords need to be better. This mod adds subtly customizing swords, as well as some other benefits along the way!
This mod adds a new mechanic called Minecraft Swords forged. Swords are forged blades that are created by the use of dyes or precious stones embedded.


Forged swords are created with all 5 common sword materials [wood, stone, iron, gold and diamond], a specific set of 'stones', and the complete set of dyes in a shapeless recipe with Bank of crafting. They can also be created with just a gem, and just a dye! The inset gems are items already found in the game, seen in the list below.
A Sword Forged is stronger than a regular diamond sword, having a raised enchant-ability, giving - you better enchantments for a great custom sword!
I highly recommend everyone uses Anvil title to his sword, he adds that the the customization!
Here is the complete list of gems embedded:
Nether = White Quartz
Iron = Silver
Diamond = Cyan
Blue Lapis Lazuli block = blue
Ender Pearl  = Purple
Emerald = Green
Glowstone dust = Light Yellow
Gold = Gold
Rod = Blaze Orange
Redstone Dust = Red
Obsidian Black = black



Downloads / Installation:
Requires Minecraft Forge
-Just install Minecraft Forge into your minecraft.jar!
-To install the mod itself BladeCraft
Open-Roaming on your boot and type% appdata%
-In the folder "mods" folder colocoque WinRar downloaded there

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