Minecraft Mods NetherOres

Minecraft Mods NetherOres
Mods NetherOres
Non-vanilla ores only spawn if a mod that uses them exists. All nether ores turn into their surface counterparts in a furnace - some (like redstone or coal) may need to be smacked with a pick or macerated to be made useful.

You need PowerCrystalsCore:
You need this for Minefactory Reloaded and Nether Ores to work.
Make sure you get the correct one for your Minecraft version.
1.6.4 PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.8-9.jar 
1.6.2 PowerCrystalsCore-1.1.7-7.jar

How to install
Install Forge 1.6.4 Recommended because thats the one I used.
Drag and drop the mod file in the 1.6.4 folder located in the mods folder (.minecraft/mods/1.6.4)
Launch mine craft with the forge profile

Change log: NetherOres-2.2.1
Added compatibility for replacing Natura tainted soil in world gen
Added config option for removing ore worldgen for compatibility with custom ore generators
Re-enabled support for ThermalExpansion

Author: skyboy026

Minecraft mods 1.6.4:
1.6.4/1.6.2 NetherOres-2.2.1-14.jar

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