Minecraft mods dowwnload Doctor Who 1.6.4

A new mod that is all about Doctor Who! So far, added a few blocks and fish fingers.

Current Features/ Added Things
Dead Life Stone
Death Sand
TARDIS Power Cell(not actually working yet)
Metal Mesh
TARDIS Corridor Wall
Huon Ore
Huon Particles
Power Cell
Sonic Emitter
Activator Handle
Loose Sonic Screwdriver
Sonic Screwdriver
Fish Finger
Bowl of Custard
Other Features
Creative Tab: Doctor Who
Crafting Recipes
Loose Sonic Screwdriver: "-- X", "-Y-", "Z--", X = Sonic Emitter, Y = Activator Handle, Z = Power Cell
Power Cell: "XYX", "XYX", "XYX", X = Iron Block, Y = Huon Particles
Sonic Emitter: "--X", "-Y-", "---", X = Redstone, Y = Iron Block
Activator Handle: "--X ", "-Y-", "-Z-", X = Stone Button, Y = Leather, Z = Iron Block
TARDIS Wood: "XXX", "XYX", "XXX", X = Wood, Y = Obsidian
TARDIS Corridor Wall: "XXX", "YYY", "XXX", X = Cobblestone, 'Y = Glow Stone
TARDIS Power Cell: "-X-", "X-X", "-X-", X = Power Cell
Programmer - nali65
Texture maker - goldhouseboy
Current Version: 1.0
Version History:
Version 1.0:
Block: Dead Life Stone
Block: Death Sand
Block: TARDIS Power Cell(not actually working yet)
Block: Metal Mesh
Block: TARDIS Corridor Wall
Block: TARDIS Wall
Block: TARDIS Wood
Food: Fish Finger
Creative Tab: Doctor Who
Finally updated to 1.6.4

Dowwnload  mods Doctor Who 1.6.4

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